School Supply Drive

Dear West Liberty Community Member,

Local families need your help! Today, 6,300 Muscatine County households are struggling to meet their most basic needs. Over 4,300 of those households consist of adults who are working and earning more than the federal poverty level, but less than the basic cost of living for Muscatine County. 

This year, United Way of Muscatine is hosting a Community School Supply Drive to help ensure local children have the supplies they need to be successful in school. We are requesting that local businesses, civic, and faith-based organizations collect school supplies for the community-wide drive during the week of July 28th - August 2nd, 2024. Churches can collect supplies on Sunday of that week and businesses can collect supplies Monday-Thursday. 

Needed items include:  backpacks, pencils (Ticonderoga), pens, crayons, colored pencils, watercolors, glue, glue sticks, Play-doh, sandwich, quart, and gallon Ziploc baggies, pencil boxes or pouches, washable markers, dry erase markers, black Sharpies, highlighters, scissors, Post-its, pink erasers, water bottles, headphones or earbuds, pocket folders, single-subject notebooks, composition notebooks, two-pocket folders with brackets, 3 ring binders, calculators (Texas Instrument TI-30Xa and Texas Instrument TI-30XIIS), hand sanitizer, tissues, paper towels, and Clorox wipes.

The supplies collected can be picked up by volunteers on Friday, August 2nd or dropped off at the West Liberty School District Office located at 1103 N. Elm Street on August 2nd between 7:00am-11:00am. The district office will also be open for donation drop offs from 7:00 am - 4:30 pm on Thursday, August 1st, and Monday, August 5th. If you prefer to make a monetary contribution, please note that the funds are to be designated to the West Liberty Community School Supply Drive. We will then purchase needed supplies. West Liberty Community School personnel will distribute supplies to those in need. All donations will stay in West Liberty!

If you would like to host a Community School Supply Drive or make a donation, please fill out the pledge form linked below and return via email or mail.  Please contact Hilary at 563-263-5963 or with any questions.

When we choose to Live United, we can create a better tomorrow together. 

West Liberty School Supply Pledge Form 2024

Kind Regards,

Hilary Henke
Community Engagement Manager | United Way of Muscatine 

615 Cedar Street, Suite 200 | Muscatine, IA 52761

Mailing address: PO Box 797 | Muscatine, IA 52761