Online Preschool/KG registration and the KG Dual Language application will open at 12:00 pm on Wednesday, February 12th! Links to registration and the Dual Language application will be posted on our website,, Facebook (West Liberty Community School District), Twitter (@WestLibertyCSD), and Instagram (westlibertycsd). They will also be emailed to parents of preschoolers currently attending school with us.
For those who prefer not to register at home, In-person registration will also be available in the ELC Cafeteria on the dates and times listed below:
February 12th from 4:00 om- 7:30 pmCanceled due to inclement weatherFebruary 13th from 8:00 am - 7:30 pm
The link for Head Start applications will also be posted and paper Head Start applications will be available at our in-person event.