From the Nurse's Office: COVID Dashboard and Information

As we proceed through the 2021-2022 school year we wanted to share some information with you regarding COVID.  As stated in our Return to Learn Plan our quarantine practices are different than they were last year.  

Quoted from the Return to Learn Plan:

" If your child has been diagnosed with COVID please contact your building nurse; they will help determine when your child can return to school. We will not be quarantining by classroom this year due to exposure from a positive case. If we have a student who tests positive in an ELC or Elementary classroom, parents of other students in that classroom will be notified that there was a positive case in the classroom.  We can not notify by classroom in the Middle and High School as students change rooms and classmates frequently throughout the day, however, parents can view case counts in the Middle School, High School, and District on our WLCSD COVID Dashboard, posted on our website.   We will closely monitor each classroom for illness and work with our partners in public health as needed. "

Below are some infographics that we thought would be helpful to our students, staff, and families.  

Student Illness Chart:

We also have the WLCSD COVID Dashboard on our website that is updated daily.  On this dashboard, you can view how many positive COVID cases we currently have in each building and in our district overall.  (Please note that positive case numbers of 5 or less in a certain location will be reported on the dashboard as <5.)  

Please see the graphic below from Muscatine Count Public Health listing COVID test locations in our area:

If your child has been diagnosed with COVID please contact your child's school nurse; they will help determine when your child can return to school.  If you have any other questions, please contact your school nurse.  


Thank you!

District School Nurses

Kayla Morrison RN, BSN ELC/ELM

Katie Hochstetler RN, BSN MS 

Angela Swick, RN HS