Congratulations Becky Kober!  2022 ISEA Education Support Professional of the Year!

On Saturday, April 9th West Liberty High School Paraprofessional, Becky Kober was presented with the 2022 Iowa State Education Association (ISEA) Education Support Professional of the Year Award at the ISEA Delegate Assembly in West Des Moines!  


Becky Kober has worked for West Liberty Community School District for 7 1/2 years.  She works with students each and every day to help them excel in their classes and to keep them engaged in learning.   Her smile and positive attitude show through whenever you meet her in the hallway and when she's greeting all of the High School students at the door in the morning. We are so proud to have her as a member of our team!  

Becky was nominated for the award by Marci Goulette, President of the West Liberty Para Education Association, and fellow High School Paraprofessional, Dawn Womack.  Focus areas for each nomination include Professional Practice, Advocacy and Association Involvement, Community Engagement, Personal Achievement, and Education Support Professional Image.  Once all of the nominations are received from across the state of Iowa the ISEA Education Support Professionals Standing Committee votes on the top 3 selections, which are then presented to the Iowa State Education Association Executive Board for the final determination.  This year's award could not have gone to a more deserving person, congratulations Becky!