Photo of the 22-23 WLHS Band Leadership Team (photo credit Kelly Butcher)

The WLHS Band Leadership Team attended training on Friday and Saturday in preparation for teaching band camp next week! This weekend they spent about 12 hours designing the band camp schedule, writing goals for the season, developing leadership skills, practicing teaching strategies to run music rehearsals, and learning to teach marching fundamentals. They will put all of these skills to use this week as they help implement our five-day band camp. 

The Comet Band will have our annual community performance on Saturday, August 20 at Memorial Field at 12:00 pm. It is free and open to the public and will showcase what students learn next week during camp. 

22-23 Band Leadership Team

22-23 Senior Band Leadership Team Members

Left to right: Max Pho, Mason Benedict, Karla Velasco, Tye Miller, Beatrice Goldberg, and Ashley Barahona. Not pictured Joshua Zeman.

Thank you to Kelly Butcher for taking these wonderful photos!