WEST LIBERTY, IA – The West Liberty Community School District has announced it plans to host a Gala on March 4, 2023, to wrap up the first year of fundraising for the new athletic complex and celebrate donors and progress on the project. The Chamber of Commerce is joining forces with the school district to help plan and execute the event.
“We are excited to be a partner for this amazing event,” said Chamber Director, Charles Brooke. “The school district and chamber have both kicked off several projects with great success in the last year. This will be a night to celebrate, and we anticipate a big turnout.”
In March 2022, the school district held a press conference to announce the new athletic complex, present information on the overall district strategy, and answer questions from the public. The district also kicked off a two-million-dollar fundraising campaign. To date the district has raised $1.6 million. Superintendent, Shaun Kruger, said the Gala is an opportunity to celebrate the donors and the community.
“We’ve been very successful, and it is all due to the generous donors and community partners,” said Kruger. “We want to celebrate the donors and the West Liberty community. Big things are happening here.”
Tickets for the Gala go on sale the week of November 14th and will be for sale at the Chamber office at 119 E. Third Street and at the West Liberty School’s Administration Building. Mr. Brooke said they also plan to reach out to various businesses to help sell tickets.
“We anticipate that tickets will go fast,” said Brooke. “We want to have them placed at several locations so everyone has a chance to get one.”
Tickets are $25 and will include food and beverages. There will also be a silent and live auction at the event. Tickets are sold on a first-come, first-served basis, but there are also reserved tables for sale. Tables are $500 and can be purchased directly from the Chamber office and will include wait staff, dessert, wine, and drinks. There is a limited number of reserved tables available, so purchases should be made early.
“This is going to be a great night,” said Brooke. “We are planning a fun and sophisticated event. Everyone is thrilled about the progress in West Liberty, and we will be ready to celebrate everything West Liberty has to offer.”
The planning committee will roll out more details over the coming months, but people can contact the Chamber office with questions at any time at 319-627-4876.
Shaun Kruger, West Liberty Superintendent 319-627-2116
Adam Loria, West Liberty Activities Director 319-627-2116