This is a collection of frequently asked questions that we receive regarding free and reduced lunch. We thought it might be helpful to post these so that everyone can reference them.
If my child qualifies for free meals and only gets milk is it free? No, the USDA will only reimburse for a full meal. If a child brings their own lunch and only requests milk from the kitchen the appropriate fee will be charged to their account for the milk.
If my child qualifies for free or reduced lunch and gets seconds or an additional milk will it be free? No, students will be charged for second helpings of the main course, and for additional milk.
When can a Free and Reduced Application be submitted? Anytime during the school year. We are aware that changes can happen to a family’s income at any time, therefore an application may be submitted at any time during the year for review. Our district usually sends out communication at the beginning of the year during registration to process applications before the school year starts but applications can be submitted at any time during the year for approval.
My child’s application was approved last year, do I need to fill out a new one this school year? Yes, your child’s application is only good for that school year and for the first few days of this school year, through October, 4, 2022. You must complete a new application unless the school told you that your child is eligible for the new school year. When the carryover period ends, unless you are notified that your children will receive free meals or you submit an application that is approved, the children must pay full price for school meals. The school is not required to send a reminder or a notice of expired eligibility.
Does an application need to be filled out for each child? No, complete the applications for free and reduced price school meals for all the students in your household. We cannot approve an application unless complete eligibility information is submitted, so be sure to complete all required information.
Will the information that I give be checked? Yes, we may also ask you to send written proof of the household income you report. You are not required to provide proof with your application.
We hope that sharing this information helps everyone to better understand how the program works. For more information on Free and Reduced Meals you can read the 22-23 Free and Reduced Letter on our website provided in both English and Spanish.
Free and Reduced Applications are available at any building office in our district or you can print one using these links:
English 22-23 Free and Reduced Application
Spanish 22-23 Free and Reduced Application
Once filled out you can turn them in to any building office or mail it directly to our Foodservice Director at:
Laura Smith
West Liberty Community School District
P.O. Box 228
West Liberty, IA 52776