WEST LIBERTY, IA – The charitable foundation established by Tom and Mary Pat Brooke has pledged $50,000 towards the new athletic complex. The charitable foundation was established to provide funding for the many non-profit organizations and charities Tom and Mary Pat supported over the years. The West Liberty School District was always a priority for Tom and Mary Pat, and they set aside $50,000 for the new athletic complex. Tom passed away in September 2022, but he was happy to see progress on the new facilities.
“Tom was very pleased when the school announced plans to update all athletic facilities,” said Mary Pat. “He lived his entire life in West Liberty and was a 1946 graduate of West Liberty High School. He was very committed to the district.”
Born and raised in West Liberty, Tom attended the University of Iowa after high school. After graduating college, he joined his father as a partner in the Brooke Oil Company, a petroleum marketing company. Eventually, the company name was changed to Brooke Enterprises, and they marketed petroleum products in central and eastern Iowa. Tom was joined in marriage to Mary Pat in 1957 and they had three sons, Bruce, Darren, and Scott, who all graduated from West Liberty High School as well.
“The West Liberty School District has always been a priority for our family,” said Scott Brooke. “We believe that an investment in the school district is an investment in West Liberty. My parents have always supported projects that give youth opportunities to succeed.”
Tom and Mary Pat have been philanthropists for most of their lives and have each made significant contributions to advancements in the West Liberty community. First Church United, Rotary, and the West Liberty Country Club are just a few of the organizations they belonged to. In 2022 Tom was the oldest active Rotary member in Iowa having served 71 years. Even at the age of 93, Tom was busy with community betterment projects and initiatives to help others.
“He never slowed down,” said long-time friend and fellow volunteer, Bill Koellner. “He was my best friend, and I really can’t imagine where West Liberty would be without Tom Brooke. When the new high school was built, he and I agreed to call on donors together. He was on the board for West Liberty State Bank, and they gave $250,000. He and Mary Pat also contributed. Education has always been a high priority for the Brooks and when the athletic complex was announced, he said it was an additional dimension to education that his family approves.”
Superintendent, Shaun Kruger, said Brooke was one of the first community members he met when he moved to West Liberty.
“I met Mr. Brooke at Rotary and at church,” said Kruger. “He introduced himself to me and from the beginning was very supportive. He met with me about six months ago to discuss contributing to the athletic complex, and I am very grateful for everything Tom and Mary Pat have done for our district.”
The contribution from the Brooke’s will put the fundraising efforts close to the finish line. With a goal of $2M the district only has about $300,000 to go to finish the entire project.
“I never thought in a million years the fundraising would move this quickly,” said Activities Director, Adam Loria. “We needed to raise two million dollars to complete both the outdoor and new indoor facilities. I thought we would be doing well to get that done in five years. I’m stunned and thrilled by the generosity of this community. This will be a game-changer for the kids. I am indebted to the Brookes and many other families and businesses that have made this possible.”
The Brooke’s have several great-grandchildren attending West Liberty Schools and many that participate in athletics. Like many other donors that have contributed, they understand the benefit to the local economy when the school is successful in academics and athletics.
“We know that a top-performing school district is key to the overall success of West Liberty,” said Scott Brooke. “When the school does well, it attracts good families who want to make a home here, work here, spend money here, and invest here.”
The Brookes have supported many West Liberty charities and non-profits over the years, including Camp Courageous, Rotary Foundation, West Liberty Community Center, West Liberty Library Foundation, West Heritage Foundation, and the West Liberty School Foundation. Not only did they financially support these groups, but they also donated their time to help at events and engage other potential donors for fundraising.
“They have always gone the extra mile,” said Bill Koellner. “Tom Brooke worked hard at his business, but he worked even harder at his community service. Owning a business is very hard work, but Tom never said no to helping out after hours. He was volunteering, raising money, and donating to organizations that move this town forward until his very last day.”
Shaun Kruger, West Liberty Superintendent 319-627-2116
Adam Loria, West Liberty Activities Director 319-627-2116