Donate Blood Save Lives - WLHS Blood Drive

Hey WLHS Comets...start 2023 by saving lives!

On Tuesday, January 24, the WLHS Student Council will be hosting another blood drive.  Please join us to help save lives!

For patients in need, donated blood can change everything. Blood products are used to help people – our friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers – as they treat cancer, chronic diseases, and traumatic injuries. And they are only possible with the help of volunteer blood donors.

Our blood drive is coming up soon. To see time slots available for appointments and to save your spot, click the blood drive name below:

West Liberty High School - click here to schedule Tuesday, 1/24/2023 (8:30 am - 1:30 pm) Gymnasium All presenting donors will receive a voucher for a $10 gift card of their choice OR the fun, St. Patrick's Day-themed tshirt shown above.

Note: Appointments are required to give.  Donor Eligibility FAQ  |  COVID-19 Response

With every donation you make, you help establish a sustainable community blood supply for years to come. Thank you for your support. We hope to see you at our drive!

© 2022 - 5500 Lakeview Parkway, Davenport, IA 52807, 800-747-5401 - - If you have been told previously by ImpactLife or another blood center that you should never donate blood, please disregard this message. If you recently made a blood donation, or if you have already scheduled an appointment to donate blood, please accept our thanks on behalf of the patients whose lives you may have touched. You may not give blood if you have received a notification from ImpactLife asking you not to do so. Those who are in generally good health and meet the age and weight requirements may be eligible to donate blood. Please bring a photo ID when you come to donate.